[gpfsug-discuss] ssh authentication on CES nodes

Talamo Ivano Giuseppe ivano.talamo at psi.ch
Mon Jul 22 14:53:20 BST 2024

Dear all,

I have a question regarding the CES service, aka protocol nodes.
Our CES cluster is configured with the AD authentication and, accordingly to the documentation [1], SSSD should not be running on the CES nodes. For us that's quite annoying, since we can't login with our personal/central accounts and then sudo.
Neither we can use winbind, since samba-winbind-modules package (that provides the necessary PAM module) conflicts with the gpfs.smb package.
We will probably end up creating one or more local accounts and using ssh keys for access.
But I wonder if someone with a similar problem found a better workaround.


[1] https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/storage-scale/5.2.0?topic=authentication-limitations

Paul Scherrer Institut
Ivano Talamo
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Phone: +41 56 310 47 11
E-Mail: ivano.talamo at psi.ch

Available: Monday - Wednesday

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