[gpfsug-discuss] Lenovo downloads

Jonathan Buzzard jonathan.buzzard at strath.ac.uk
Mon Jun 12 12:27:30 BST 2023

On 12/06/2023 08:57, Kidger, Daniel wrote:

> Remember that all OEMs need to fully validate any new release of Storage 
> Scale before making it available to their end customers. Not least 
> because 1^st  and 2^nd  line support comes from the OEM itself, not IBM.
> Hopefully this validation process takes only a few months.

No they don't. You need to draw a distinction between what I run on my 
DSS-G nodes and what I run on my hundreds of compute nodes, protocol 
nodes etc.

The former does indeed need to be fully validated by the OEM, will only 
be the version from the DSS-G release bundle and run on genuine RHEL 
with extended update support.

What I run on everything else needs doesn't need validation from the OEM 
IMHO. It is not running on their hardware is often not running on 
genuine RHEL, is certainly not running on an EUS version and is unlikely 
to be the same version as running on the DSS-G nodes. From a customer 
perspective with today's cyber threat landscape it needs releasing 
promptly, because running EUS on all my compute nodes is not 
economically viable.

Anyway it looks like 5.1.8 was uploaded over the weekend so all is good.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                         Tel: +44141-5483420
HPC System Administrator, ARCHIE-WeSt.
University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building, Glasgow. G4 0NG

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