[gpfsug-discuss] [External] Re: Quota Idea / RFE

Simon Thompson2 sthompson2 at lenovo.com
Mon Jul 11 08:45:52 BST 2022

Home and cache can have different amounts of disk space used, so "replicating quotas" is mostly pointless, unless you populate cache with all the data at home. But yes, this was something that hurt when I was running AFM some time ago. We saw the AFM queues "stall" when this happened (and eventually crash).

And then you have the problem that you might have different replication factors for your AFM home and cache, and that makes what the quota should be a hard question. E.g. my super fast ingest system (1 copy, cache) and my slow long-term store (2 copies, home).


Simon Thompson
Sr. Manager, HPC Storage and Performance
Chineham Business Park,
Crockford Lane, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8WQ
HPC Customer Solutions
Lenovo UK
+44 7788 320635
sthompson2 at lenovo.com
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-----Original Message-----
From: gpfsug-discuss <gpfsug-discuss-bounces at gpfsug.org> On Behalf Of Ryan Novosielski
Sent: 08 July 2022 17:03
To: gpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org
Subject: [External] Re: [gpfsug-discuss] Quota Idea / RFE

I have a similar issue related to AFM: you can have two different quotas on the AFM home and cache (which I can't really see why you would ever want to do, but whatever), and there's not currently a way to syncrhornize them even if you want to (which you almost always would).

The behavior you get if you allow a cache to fill, for example, but being over quota on the at-home fileset is very strange (you get persistent load average on involved machines, etc., which are trying to play back writes).

On 7/1/22 05:50, Peter Childs wrote:
> I've opened a Spectrum Scale Idea for Enhancement, https://apc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fibm-sys-storage.ideas.ibm.com%2Fideas%2FGPFS-I-857&data=05%7C01%7Csthompson2%40lenovo.com%7C3970173257fd4b75415f08da60fb9221%7C5c7d0b28bdf8410caa934df372b16203%7C0%7C0%7C637928930859469707%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=zhBpDIU2B5vkOIhJCvEqAX4DGWgfngZT%2BzBsjZzPV5A%3D&reserved=0 I suspect I'm not the first one trying to achieve this so it might be worth upvoting the idea.
> Basically I'd like to see some way to copy quotas between filesystems, either within scale and outside that can in theory be already done with mmedquota -F but there is no way to dump the quotas in this format currently.
> Thanks
  || \\UTGERS,     |----------------------*O*------------------------
  ||_// the State  |    Ryan Novosielski - novosirj at rutgers.edu
  || \\ University | Sr. Technologist - 973/972.0922 ~*~ RBHS Campus
  ||  \\    of NJ  | Office of Advanced Res. Comp. - MSB C630, Newark

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