[gpfsug-discuss] Vmtouch on GPFS is supported?

Jonathan Buzzard jonathan.buzzard at strath.ac.uk
Tue Aug 15 08:26:35 BST 2023

On 15/08/2023 07:32, Uwe Falke wrote:
> second point:
> while there is probably no vmtouch4gpfs, you might check and tune your
> gpfs parameters (pagepool size, maxFilesToCache).  But first you should
> identify where the bottleneck is. Is your GPFS cluster spanning the VPN?
> Suppose not. So how do you know that it is really GPFS which is delaying
> your loading?
> nomachine is an remote desktop app, how do you load software efficiently
> through nomachine?

I would say if it takes longer launching through nomachine than 
launching locally, then the problem is nomachine. This should IMHO be 
the first thing you test.

If it takes a long time launching locally the application is a steaming 
pile and you need to resolve that first.

We use thinlinc which is a similar Linux remote desktop solution 
extensively to provide a Linux desktop to our users with through 
VirtualGL 3D visualization capabilities and we do not have an issue with 
excessive launch times.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                         Tel: +44141-5483420
HPC System Administrator, ARCHIE-WeSt.
University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building, Glasgow. G4 0NG

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