[gpfsug-discuss] preventing / delaying deletion of scheduled snapshots?

Uwe Falke uwe.falke at kit.edu
Tue Jul 30 12:11:23 BST 2024

If anybody is interested:

I tested the chsnapassoc command on another fileset associating a new 
daily rule with maxDays=10 instead of the old daily rule with maxDays=3. 
The snapshot due to be deleted today by the old rule was not deleted. 
Hence it seems assigning a rule with a longer max time affects also 
already existing snapshots. I initially assumed the expiration rule is 
bound to the snapshot, but it is more like a policy applied periodically 
to the existing snapshots regardless what the rule was when these were 

Consequently , I associated the fileset with the to-be preserved monthly 
snapshot with a new rule having a larger maxMonth value.


On 26.07.24 21:33, Uwe Falke wrote:
> Just thought it over: maybe the schedule applied is not fixed at 
> snapshot creation time, but always re-evaluated according to the 
> associated rules.
> If "monthly" is our current rule and "radarmonthly" is a montly 
> creation rule with a (sufficiently) longer retention, could I just 
> change  the rule for the fileset by
>  chsnapassoc <sg> -n radarmonthly -o monthly -j <fileset>
> ? If that prevents the deletion of the snapshot from June 1st, I am 
> done :-) Would that work?
> Thanks
> Uwe
> On 26.07.24 21:11, Uwe Falke wrote:
>> Drear all,
>> we have configured scheduled creation of snapshots for several 
>> filesets in a file system.
>> Now, a couple of users discovered they'd been erroneously deleting 
>> files since EoJune (some script misbehaving).
>> The last snapshot before dates from Jun 1st and is to be deleted Aug 
>> 1st. The time for the users might be too short to check and fix their 
>> deleted data (as several might not have a chance to do so before Aug 
>> 1st).
>> I could not see how I could change the schedule for an existing 
>> snapshot (i.e. delay / prevent its deletion) in the GUI 
>> (invsetigating the GUI and studying the GPFS documentation / admin 
>> guide)
>> The GUI commands include something like 
>> /usr/lpp/mmfs/gui/cli/chsnapassoc but I do not know whether that 
>> applies to existing snapshots as well or just for future ones (as the 
>> rules cover both creation and lifetime of the snaps).
>> How I could prevent the scheduled deletion of a single snapshot 
>> (created by the GUI as scheduled snapshot)? Is that possible at all 
>> (o.k., I might stop the GUI but as there are several filesets with 
>> their scheduled snapshots, so that is not what I want actually).
>> Thanks
>> Uwe
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Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
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Scientific Data Management (SDM)

Uwe Falke

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, Building 442, Room 187
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Tel: +49 721 608 28024
Email: uwe.falke at kit.edu

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KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association

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