[gpfsug-discuss] Remove a client node from one cluster and add to a different one

Achim Rehor Achim.Rehor at de.ibm.com
Mon Jul 15 13:03:54 BST 2024

I would tend to think the mmaddnode would fail, as GPFS recognizes that this node is already part of an existing cluster (due to the content of /var/mmfs)
So following the steps in the admin guide, how to permanently remove GPFS from a node (related to the /tmp/mmfs  and /var/mmfs dir)  would be recommended


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Achim Rehor

Technical Support Specialist S​pectrum Scale and ESS (SME)
Advisory Product Services Professional
IBM Systems Storage Support - EMEA

Achim.Rehor at de.ibm.com<mailto:Achim.Rehor at de.ibm.com> +49-170-4521194
IBM Deutschland GmbH

-----Original Message-----
From: Felipe Knop <knop at us.ibm.com<mailto:Felipe%20Knop%20%3cknop at us.ibm.com%3e>>
Reply-To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org<mailto:gpfsug%20main%20discussion%20list%20%3cgpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org%3e>>
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org<mailto:gpfsug%20main%20discussion%20list%20%3cgpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org%3e>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [gpfsug-discuss] Remove a client node from one cluster and add to a different one
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 22:49:17 +0000

Marcy, I believe this should work. The mmshutdown is crucial in ensuring the operation is successful, even though mmdelnode checks to ensure the node is no longer up. I’d probably wait a few mins between the delete and the add to the other


I believe this should work.  Themmshutdown is crucial in ensuring the operation is successful, even thoughmmdelnode checks to ensure the node is no longer up. I’d probably wait a few mins between the delete and the add to the other cluster, to ensure the cluster membership and config files get properly propagated.


Felipe Knop        knop at us.ibm.com<mailto:knop at us.ibm.com>
GPFS Development and Security
IBM Systems
IBM Building 008
2455 South Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

From:gpfsug-discuss <gpfsug-discuss-bounces at gpfsug.org> on behalf of Cortes, Marcy D. <Marcy.D.Cortes at wellsfargo.com>
Date: Friday, July 12, 2024 at 4:56 PM
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [gpfsug-discuss] Remove a client node from one cluster and add to a different one
Is it as simple as ? stop gpfs on client with mmshutdown mmdelnode from cluster A go to new cluster B mmaddnode and then mmstart it? This is on Linux. Wondering if anything needs to be cleaned up in /var/mmfs or /tmp/mmfs Marcy ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
Is it as simple as ?

stop gpfs on client with mmshutdown
mmdelnode from cluster A

go to new cluster B mmaddnode and then mmstart it?

This is on Linux.   Wondering if anything needs to be cleaned up in /var/mmfs or /tmp/mmfs

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