[gpfsug-discuss] RFE: mmled

Hannappel, Juergen juergen.hannappel at desy.de
Fri Jul 12 15:31:18 BST 2024

with 5 different ESS headnode hardware models (ok, in a reasonable time scale 4)
it's always annoying if an orange LED indicates a prpblem and you have no idea why,
finding out what the problem is is different between different models....

It would be nice to have an mmled command, wich would accorning to the hardware
it's run on say eg:

mmled show
   ... gives an outpu like
   No LEDs on.
   ... or:
   Led1 is lit; that probably means that foo is broken in bar...

mmled clear
 ... and all LEDs which are left on from some transient past problem are switched of....

Dr. Jürgen Hannappel  DESY/IT    Tel.  : +49 40 8998-4616

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