[gpfsug-discuss] Bad disk but not failed in DSS-G

Ryan Novosielski novosirj at rutgers.edu
Sat Jul 6 05:50:22 BST 2024

On Jun 24, 2024, at 05:41, Jonathan Buzzard <jonathan.buzzard at strath.ac.uk> wrote:

On 20/06/2024 23:32, Achim Rehor wrote:


Fred is most probably correct here. the two errors are not necessarily the same.

Turns out Fred was incorrect and having pushed the bad disk out the file system the backups magically started working again. Not that, that should come as the slightest surprise to anyone.

Not saying it’s impossible but I strongly suspect that that is a coincidence, or your drive was causing enough problems that somehow it was also affecting the storage server’s ability to respond to a client or something.

I’ve never once seen any sort of media errors making it all the way to a filesystem issue.

|| \\UTGERS,     |---------------------------*O*---------------------------
||_// the State |         Ryan Novosielski - novosirj at rutgers.edu
|| \\ University | Sr. Technologist - 973/972.0922 (2x0922) ~*~ RBHS Campus
||  \\    of NJ | Office of Advanced Research Computing - MSB A555B, Newark

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