[gpfsug-discuss] changing directory linked to fileset

Ivan Patrick Lambert Ivan.Patrick.Lambert at ibm.com
Fri Jul 5 15:33:47 BST 2024


basically you can try to unmount the fileset with: mmunlinkfileset gpfs -J /gpfs/xyoz

and link back with mmlinkfileset gpfs xyz -J /gpfs/xyz

That should work

Kind regards,

Ivan Patrick Lambert
EMEA Storage Scale / Storage Scale System Engineer

From: gpfsug-discuss <gpfsug-discuss-bounces at gpfsug.org> on behalf of Ivan Patrick Lambert <Ivan.Patrick.Lambert at ibm.com>
Date: Friday, 5 July 2024 at 16:32
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [gpfsug-discuss] changing directory linked to fileset
Hello Majid, basically you can try to unmount the fileset with: mmunlinkfileset xyz -J /gpfs/xyoz and linking it back with proper path. Kind regards, Ivan Patrick Lambert EMEA Storage Scale / Storage Scale System Engineer From: gpfsug-discuss

Hello Majid,

basically you can try to unmount the fileset with: mmunlinkfileset xyz -J /gpfs/xyoz

and linking it back with proper path.

Kind regards,

Ivan Patrick Lambert
EMEA Storage Scale / Storage Scale System Engineer

From: gpfsug-discuss <gpfsug-discuss-bounces at gpfsug.org> on behalf of Amjad Syed <amjadcsu at gmail.com>
Date: Friday, 5 July 2024 at 16:20
To: gpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org <gpfsug-discuss at gpfsug.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [gpfsug-discuss] changing directory linked to fileset
Hello all We are using an old GPFS version 5. 0. 5 and in process of  upgrading I have created a fileset xyz  and linked it to directory /gpfs/xyoz my executing the following command mmlinkfileset gpfs  xyz -J /gpfs/xyoz But now  i want to change
Hello all

We are using an old GPFS version 5.0.5 and in process of  upgrading

I have created a fileset xyz  and linked it to directory /gpfs/xyoz my executing the following command
mmlinkfileset gpfs  xyz -J /gpfs/xyoz

But now  i want to change the linked directory as i realized there is a typo there should be xyz , how should i proceed ?


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IBM Hrvatska d.o.o. za proizvodnju i trgovinu
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