[gpfsug-discuss] kernel updates and GPFS modules: manual, DKMS, cron, other?

Christof Schmitt christof.schmitt at us.ibm.com
Fri Mar 3 19:59:40 GMT 2023

On Fri, 2023-03-03 at 14:29 -0500, David Magda wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a new user of GPFS (Spectrum Scale) and would like to know if
> there is a ‘best practice’ on handling kernel updates on HPC clients.
> We are running Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 clients with 5.1.x, talking to
> RHEL storage servers, and would like to know how to handle re-
> compiling the client-side kernel modules.
> There is of course the “mmbuildgpl” utility:
> https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-scale/5.1.3?topic=reference-mmbuildgpl-command
> but how do folks invoke it? Manually, via cron at night on or reboot,
> via some kind of apt (dpkg-trigger(1)) / RPM hook?

There is the Scale option:
mmchconfig autoBuildGPL=yes

When Scale starts, it checks whether the kernel modules are available
for the current kernel; and if not, mmbuildgpl is run before acctually
starting the daemon. That should be one way to solve this.




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