[gpfsug-discuss] Alternative to Scale S3 API.

Andi Christiansen andi at christiansen.xxx
Tue Oct 27 11:46:02 GMT 2020

Hi all,

We have over a longer period used the S3 API within spectrum Scale.. And that has shown that it does not support very many applications because of limitations of the API..

Has anyone got any experience with any other product we can deploy on-top of Spectrum Scale that will give us a true S3 API with full functionalities and able to answer on port 443? As of now we use HAProxy to forware ssl request back and forth from Scale S3 API.

We have looked at MinIO which seems to be fairly simple and maybe might solve a lot of incompatibilities with clients software. But the product seems to be very badly documented at least for me.

The idea is basically that a client uses their backup application(rubrik, veeam etc.) to connect to a domain(for example backup.mycompany.com) with their access and secret key and have access to their bucket only. and it must be over https/ssl.

If someone has any knowledge to minio or any other product that might solve our problem I will be glad to hear from you! 😊

Thank you in advance!

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