[gpfsug-discuss] Quota: revert user quota to FILESET default

Popescu, Razvan rp2927 at gsb.columbia.edu
Thu Dec 19 21:47:21 GMT 2019

Many thanks – that’s exactly what I’m looking for.   Unfortunately I have an error when attempting to run command :

First the background:

[root at storinator ~]# mmrepquota -u -v --block-size auto gsb:home  |grep rp2927

rp2927     home       USR          8.934G        10G        20G          0     none |    86355 1048576  3145728        0     none e

[root at storinator ~]# mmlsquota -d  --block-size auto gsb:home

         Default Block Limits                     |  Default File Limits

Filesystem Fileset    type      quota      limit  |     quota    limit  entryType

gsb        home       USR         20G        30G  |   1048576  3145728  default on

gsb        home       GRP           0          0  |         0        0  i

And now the most interesting part:

[root at storinator ~]# mmedquota -d -u rp2927 gsb:home

gsb        USR         default quota is off

Attention: In file system gsb (fileset home), block soft limit (10485760) for user rp2927 is too small. Suggest setting it higher than 26214400.

Attention: In file system gsb (fileset home), block hard limit (20971520) for user rp2927 is too small. Suggest setting it higher than 26214400.

gsb:home is not valid user

A little bit more background, maybe of help…

[root at storinator ~]# mmlsquota -d gsb

         Default Block Limits(KB)                 |  Default File Limits

Filesystem Fileset    type      quota      limit  |     quota    limit  entryType

gsb        root       USR           0          0  |         0        0  i

gsb        root       GRP           0          0  |         0        0  i

gsb        work       USR           0          0  |         0        0  i

gsb        work       GRP           0          0  |         0        0  i

gsb        misc       USR           0          0  |         0        0  i

gsb        misc       GRP           0          0  |         0        0  i

gsb        home       USR    20971520   31457280  |   1048576  3145728  default on

gsb        home       GRP           0          0  |         0        0  i

gsb        shared     USR           0          0  |         0        0  i

gsb        shared     GRP    20971520   31457280  |   1048576  3145728  default on

[root at storinator ~]# mmlsfs gsb

flag                value                    description

------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------

 -f                 8192                     Minimum fragment (subblock) size in bytes

 -i                 4096                     Inode size in bytes

 -I                 32768                    Indirect block size in bytes

 -m                 2                        Default number of metadata replicas

 -M                 3                        Maximum number of metadata replicas

 -r                 1                        Default number of data replicas

 -R                 2                        Maximum number of data replicas

 -j                 scatter                  Block allocation type

 -D                 nfs4                     File locking semantics in effect

 -k                 nfs4                     ACL semantics in effect

 -n                 100                      Estimated number of nodes that will mount file system

 -B                 1048576                  Block size

 -Q                 user;group;fileset       Quotas accounting enabled

                    user;group;fileset       Quotas enforced

                    none                     Default quotas enabled

 --perfileset-quota Yes                      Per-fileset quota enforcement

 --filesetdf        Yes                      Fileset df enabled?

 -V                 21.00 (          File system version

 --create-time      Fri Aug 30 16:25:29 2019 File system creation time

 -z                 No                       Is DMAPI enabled?

 -L                 33554432                 Logfile size

 -E                 Yes                      Exact mtime mount option

 -S                 relatime                 Suppress atime mount option

 -K                 whenpossible             Strict replica allocation option

 --fastea           Yes                      Fast external attributes enabled?

 --encryption       No                       Encryption enabled?

 --inode-limit      105906176                Maximum number of inodes in all inode spaces

 --log-replicas     0                        Number of log replicas

 --is4KAligned      Yes                      is4KAligned?

 --rapid-repair     Yes                      rapidRepair enabled?

 --write-cache-threshold 0                   HAWC Threshold (max 65536)

 --subblocks-per-full-block 128              Number of subblocks per full block

 -P                 system;Main01            Disk storage pools in file system

 --file-audit-log   No                       File Audit Logging enabled?

 --maintenance-mode No                       Maintenance Mode enabled?

 -d                 meta_01;meta_02;meta_03;data_1A;data_1B;data_2A;data_2B;data_3A;data_3B  Disks in file system

 -A                 yes                      Automatic mount option

 -o                 none                     Additional mount options

 -T                 /gpfs/cesRoot/gsb        Default mount point

 --mount-priority   2                        Mount priority

Any ideas?



From: <gpfsug-discuss-bounces at spectrumscale.org> on behalf of Kuei-Yu Wang-Knop <kywang at us.ibm.com>
Reply-To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Date: Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 3:56 PM
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Subject: Re: [gpfsug-discuss] Quota: revert user quota to FILESET default


mmedquota -d -u fs:fset:

Reestablish default quota limits for a specific user, group, or fileset that had an explicit quota limit set by a previous invocation of the mmedquota command.
This option will assign the default quota to the user. The quota entry type will change from "e" to "d_fset". You may need to play a little bit with your system to get the result as you can have default quota per file system set and default quota per fileset enabled.

An exemple to illustrate

User pfs004 in filesystem fs9 and fileset fset7 has explicit quota set:

# mmrepquota -u -v fs9 | grep pfs004
pfs004     fset7      USR            1088     102400    1048576          0     none |       13   10000    33333        0     none e        <=== explicit

# mmlsquota -d fs9:fset7
         Default Block Limits(KB)                 |  Default File Limits
Filesystem Fileset    type      quota      limit  |     quota    limit  entryType
fs9        fset7      USR      102400    1048576  |     10000        0  default on   <=== default quota limits for fs9:fset7, the default
fs9        fset7      GRP           0          0  |         0        0  i

# mmlsquota -u pfs004 fs9:fset7
                         Block Limits                                               |     File Limits
Filesystem Fileset    type             KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace  Remarks
fs9        fset7      USR            1088     102400    1048576          0     none |       13   10000    33333        0     none             <=== explicit

# mmedquota -d -u pfs004 fs9:fset7        <=== run mmedquota -d -u to get default limits

# mmlsquota -u pfs004 fs9:fset7
                         Block Limits                                               |     File Limits
Filesystem Fileset    type             KB      quota      limit   in_doubt    grace |    files   quota    limit in_doubt    grace  Remarks
fs9        fset7      USR            1088     102400    1048576          0     none |       13   10000        0        0     none         <=== takes the default value

# mmrepquota -u -v fs9:fset7 | grep pfs004
pfs004     fset7      USR            1088     102400    1048576          0     none |       13   10000        0        0     none d_fset  <=== now user pfs004 in fset7 takes the default limits

Kuei-Yu Wang-Knop
IBM Scalable I/O development
(845) 433-9333 T/L 293-9333, E-mail: kywang at us.ibm.com

[Inactive hide details for "Popescu, Razvan" ---12/19/2019 02:28:51 PM---I see. May I ask one follow-up question, please:   what]"Popescu, Razvan" ---12/19/2019 02:28:51 PM---I see. May I ask one follow-up question, please: what is “mmedquota -d -u <username>” supposed

From: "Popescu, Razvan" <rp2927 at gsb.columbia.edu>
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Date: 12/19/2019 02:28 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [gpfsug-discuss] Quota: revert user quota to FILESET default
Sent by: gpfsug-discuss-bounces at spectrumscale.org

I see.

May I ask one follow-up question, please: what is “mmedquota -d -u <username>” supposed to do in this case?

Really appreciate your assistance.



From: <gpfsug-discuss-bounces at spectrumscale.org> on behalf of Kuei-Yu Wang-Knop <kywang at us.ibm.com>
Reply-To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Date: Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 2:25 PM
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Subject: Re: [gpfsug-discuss] Quota: revert user quota to FILESET default

>> To make it more technical …. This fellow’s quota entryType is now “e” . I want to change it back to entryType “I”. (I hope I’m not talking nonsense here)

Currently there is no function to revert an explicit quota entry (e) to initial (i) entry.

Kuei-Yu Wang-Knop
IBM Scalable I/O development
(845) 433-9333 T/L 293-9333, E-mail: kywang at us.ibm.com

[Inactive hide details for "Popescu, Razvan" ---12/19/2019 02:18:54 PM---Thanks for your kind reply. My problem is different tho]"Popescu, Razvan" ---12/19/2019 02:18:54 PM---Thanks for your kind reply. My problem is different though.

From: "Popescu, Razvan" <rp2927 at gsb.columbia.edu>
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Date: 12/19/2019 02:18 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [gpfsug-discuss] Quota: revert user quota to FILESET default
Sent by: gpfsug-discuss-bounces at spectrumscale.org


Thanks for your kind reply.

My problem is different though.

I have set a fileset default quota (doing all the steps you recommended) and all was Ok. During operations I have edited *individual* quotas, for example to increase certain user’s allocations.

Now, I want to *revert* (change back) one of these users to the (fileset) default quota !

For example, I have used one user account to test the mmedquota command setting his limits to a certain value (just testing). I’d like now to make that user’s quota be the default fileset quota, and not just numerically, but have his quota record follow the changes in fileset default quota limits.

To make it more technical …. This fellow’s quota entryType is now “e” . I want to change it back to entryType “I”. (I hope I’m not talking nonsense here)

mmedquota’s “-d” option is supposed to reinstate the defaults, but it doesn’t seem to work for fileset based quotas … !?!



From: <gpfsug-discuss-bounces at spectrumscale.org> on behalf of Kuei-Yu Wang-Knop <kywang at us.ibm.com>
Reply-To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Date: Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 2:06 PM
To: gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Subject: Re: [gpfsug-discuss] Quota: revert user quota to FILESET default

It sounds like you would like to have default perfileset quota enabled. Have you tried to enable the default quota on the filesets and then set the default quota limits for those filesets?

For example, in a filesystem fs9 and fileset fset9. File system fs9 has default quota on and --perfileset-quota enabled.
# mmlsfs fs9 -Q --perfileset-quota
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-Q user;group;fileset Quotas accounting enabled
user;fileset Quotas enforced
user;group;fileset Default quotas enabled
--perfileset-quota Yes Per-fileset quota enforcement


Enable default user quota for fileset fset9, if not enabled yet,

e.g. "mmdefquotaon -u fs9:fset9"

Then set the default quota for this fileset using mmdefedquota"
# mmdefedquota -u fs9:fset9

*** Edit quota limits for USR DEFAULT entry for fileset fset9
NOTE: block limits will be rounded up to the next multiple of the block size.
block units may be: K, M, G, T or P, inode units may be: K, M or G.
fs9: blocks in use: 0K, limits (soft = 102400K, hard = 1048576K)
inodes in use: 0, limits (soft = 10000, hard = 22222)


Hope that this helps.

Kuei-Yu Wang-Knop
IBM Scalable I/O development
(845) 433-9333 T/L 293-9333, E-mail: kywang at us.ibm.com

[Inactive hide details for "Popescu, Razvan" ---12/19/2019 12:22:34 PM---Hi, I’d like to revert a user’s quota to the fileset]"Popescu, Razvan" ---12/19/2019 12:22:34 PM---Hi, I’d like to revert a user’s quota to the fileset’s default, but “mmedquota -d -u <username>”

From: "Popescu, Razvan" <rp2927 at gsb.columbia.edu>
To: "gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org" <gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org>
Date: 12/19/2019 12:22 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [gpfsug-discuss] Quota: revert user quota to FILESET default
Sent by: gpfsug-discuss-bounces at spectrumscale.org


I’d like to revert a user’s quota to the fileset’s default, but “mmedquota -d -u <username>” fails because I do have not set a filesystem default….
[root at xxx]# mmedquota -d -u user
gsb USR default quota is off

(SpectrumScale 5.0.3 Standard Ed. on RHEL7 x86)

Is this a limitation of the current mmedquota implementation, or of something more profound?...

I have several filesets within this filesystem, each with various quota structures. A filesystem-wide default quota didn’t seem useful so I never defined one; however I do have multiple fileset-level default quotas, and this is the level at which I’d like to be able to handle this matter… Have I hit a limitation of the implementation? Any workaround, if that’s the case?

Many thanks,

Razvan Popescu
Columbia Business School
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gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org

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