[gpfsug-discuss] translating /dev device into nsd name

Aaron Knister aaron.s.knister at nasa.gov
Sat Dec 17 04:24:34 GMT 2016

Hi Everyone,

I'm curious about the most straightforward and fastest way to identify 
what NSD a given /dev device is. The best I can come up with is 
"tspreparedisk -D device_name" which gives me something like:


that I can then parse and map the nsd id to the nsd name. I hesitate 
calling ts* commands directly and I admit it's perhaps an irrational 
fear, but I associate the -D flag with "delete" in my head and am afraid 
that some day -D may be just that and *poof* there go my NSD descriptors.

Is there a cleaner way?


Aaron Knister
NASA Center for Climate Simulation (Code 606.2)
Goddard Space Flight Center
(301) 286-2776

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