[gpfsug-discuss] Adding a quorum node

Jonathan Buzzard jonathan.buzzard at strath.ac.uk
Thu Dec 9 12:36:08 GMT 2021

I am looking to replace the quorum node in our cluster. The RAID card in 
the server we are currently using is a casualty of the RHEL8 SAS card 
purge :-(

I have a "new" dual core server that is fully supported by RHEL8. After 
some toing and throwing with IBM they agreed a Pentium G6400 is 70PVU a 
core and two cores :-)  That said it is currently running RHEL7 because 
that's what the DSS-G nodes are running. The upgrade to RHEL8 is planned 
for next year.

Anyway I have added it into the GPFS cluster all well and good and GPFS 
is mounted just fine. However when I ran the command to make it a quorum 
node I got the following error (sanitized to remove actual DNS names and 
IP addresses

initialize (113, '<fqdn-new>', ('<IP address>', 1191)) failed (err 79)
server initialization failed (err 79)
mmchnode: Unexpected error from chnodes -n 
1=<fqdn1>:1191,2<fqdn2>:1191,3=<fqdn3>:1191,113=<fqdn-new>:1191 -f 1 -P 
1191 .  Return code: 149
mmchnode: Unable to change the CCR quorum node configuration.
mmchnode: Command failed. Examine previous error messages to determine 

fqdn-new is the new node and fqdn1/2/3 are the existing quorum nodes. I 
want to remove fqdn3 in due course.

Anyone any idea what is going on? I thought you could change the quorum 
nodes on the fly?


Jonathan A. Buzzard                         Tel: +44141-5483420
HPC System Administrator, ARCHIE-WeSt.
University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building, Glasgow. G4 0NG

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